Celebrating student achievement!! Love our hardworking teachers!! #MyGCS #LawlerPride

SBDM Council Special Meeting on Thursday, September 28 @ 3 PM to discuss data and CSIP.

SBDM Council will meet Wed., Sept. 20th at 3:45 p.m. for a special meeting to interview applicants for the posted counseling position.

Lawler's Annual Walk-a-thon to promote physical fitness and raise money for instructional materials. #MyGCS #LawlerPride

4th grade learning about Daniel Boone's role in KY history. Reading, social studies, and technology in one shot! #MyGCS

SBDM Council will meet tomorrow, September 8th at 4:30 PM for a special meeting to interview applicants for the posted teacher position.

SBDM Council will meet tomorrow, September 7th at 3:30 PM for a special meeting to discuss applicants for the posted teacher position.

Bus Safety Presentations
#safetyfirst #bussafety #MyGCS

5th Grade students using Zearn Math on their Chromebooks. Students get personalized learning with engaging lessons!

Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017

Here are Lawler's Committee Meeting days, along with our PTO and SBDM Council times for the 2017-2018 school year. You are welcome to join us to find out more about the topics and events taking place at our school.
Culture & Climate Committee: 1st Thursday of each month @ 3:10 PM
Lighthouse Committee: 2nd Monday of each month @ 3:10 PM
PBIS Committee: Last Monday of each month @ 3:10 PM
PTO Meetings: 3rd Thursday of each month @ 6 PM
Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council: 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 3:30 PM
Science Committee: 1st Wednesday of each month @ 3:10 PM
Safety Committee: 1st Tuesday of each month @ 3:10 PM
Team Leader Committee: 2nd Tuesday of each month @ 3:10 PM
Technology Committee: 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 3:10 PM
Writing Committee: 2nd Thursday of each month @ 3:10 PM

Add important dates at Lawler to your moblie device calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/grayson.kyschools.us_sl6gn7s1ecjjdspl0na4gff5ho@group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics

PTO Meeting tomorrow (Thursday, August 17th) @ 6 PM. Learn about the organization, events throughout the year, ways you can help, and upcoming student performances. Snacks included!

One, we are the Lions!
Two, a little bit louder!
Three, I still can't hear you!
Four, We can’t be prouder! #MyGCS #EKU

Preschool Back to School Night is August 10th @ 6PM!

5th grade students participate in a team building activity to learn about the importance of Habit 6: Synergize! Together is Better!

Looking forward to a fabulous first day of school tomorrow! Doors open at 7:00. Be here by 7:25 for breakfast. Dismissal starts at 2:35 PM.

School starts tomorrow, August 8th! Front doors open at 7:00 AM. Be here by 7:25 AM for breakfast. After 7:40 AM, you will be tardy. Dismissal is from 2:35-3:00 PM. Can't wait to see you!

Lawler Beginner Basketball Signups: August 6th and August 13th from 2-5PM in Lawler's Gym.