Community Discussion: Let's Clear The Air About Vaping. 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 7 at GCHS

GCS has been named one of only 12 districts statewide as an education "Bright Spot." See how we received the honor https://bit.ly/2nUVWqB

Music Legacy continues at WKU
Friday, September 27, 2019 at WKU, six GCHS orchestra and band graduates performed as members of WKU’s Symphony at Van Meter Auditorium led by Dr. Brian St.John. All are former students of Adam and Stacey French, with Kristen Jarboe Hicks being an Assistant Conductor at WKU. Congratulations to all. Pictured are: Jackson Parker, Dominic Hughes, Hannah McCrady, Holly Sims, Emily Chambers, Kristen Jarboe Hicks and Adam French. All students earned music scholarships to attend WKU.

It's a Signing Day celebration for these Class of ‘19 grads found success with local employers through coops, job shadowing while still in school and earned employment offers as result! Congrats to Charie Meredith, GC Court Clerk, Logan Overby, Elite Welding, Kellie Geary, Leitchfield BP, and Gabrielle McCarty, TLRMC. Thanks to these community partners who opened their doors to provide hands-on education for the win-win. #WeAreGCconnectED

GCHS Parent Teacher Conference, Tuesday, Oct 1, from 4:30 to 6:30. Food will be served from our Culinary classes. There will be info sessions about college applications, financial aid, GSP, GSA, ACT and basic HS info. Student work will be displayed as well as club information.

It was a repeat for Team GCS in the 2nd annual Corporate Cup against some fierce (but very friendly) competition from Plastikon, ECTC and Farm & Home Realty and Auction. Great day of fun, fellowship and teamwork! Thanks to all team members and volunteers from every school! #WeAreGCconnecteD

Congratulations to Kristy Hodges and the Meals on the Bus program, 2019 Chamber of Commerce Education Award winner. Thanks to Food Services staff, bus drivers, so many community volunteers and partners who have helped this program grow! #WeAreGCconnectED

Yearbook sales notice is coming home Sept. 16. Sales are open all year long; however, after Oct. 31, the yearbook will cost $45. Get it now for $40!

Dress your best for picture day for underclassmen at GCHS is Friday, Sept. 27! Last chance for senior pictures! Formal and cap & gown poses only.

Freshmen & Sophomore Students and Parents:
The Gatton Academy (with the Craft Academy) are hosting an information session on Tuesday, September 17 at 6-8 pm (EST) at the E-town ECTC Campus: EC3 Building! Freshmen and sophomores with STEM interests, can learn more about the GATTON program. For additional information, email academy@wku.edu.

GCHS Sophomores/Juniors
The PSAT will be given on Wednesday, October 16 from 8:00-12:30 at the Grayson County Board of Education. Students will be transported from GCHS to the Board. The PSAT exam is a “practice” college entrance exam designed specifically for college-bound sophomores and juniors. For juniors, this is the only way to become eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Competition. It is also encouraged that those students applying to The Governor’s Scholar Program during their junior year, sign up to take this test. There are a limited number of spots available. The exam fee is $17.00. Please make checks payable to GCHS. Register to take the exam by bringing payment to Mrs. Harned. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Harned @ 259-5459.

Cap and gown pictures will be available in January. Seniors who took senior photos over the summer and during retakes two weeks ago should have the formal photos at this time. If not, please contact Deanna Lasley at deanna.lasley@grayson.kyschools.us

Learning about business from our nation’s capital – straight from the source! Many thanks to Rep. Brett Guthrie who visited Chancellor Dennison’s GCHS class this week.

This is an informational-only message for our families and community.

This is an informational message only for our parents, guardians and community.

GCHS Seniors are eligible to attend a College Fair field trip on Wednesday, September 11 to WKU. Buses will depart at 7:55 am and return at 2:00. There is limited spots available and a signed permission form must be turned in by Friday. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Higdon at 259-5459.

Any GCHS student 16 or older can sign up to take the ASVAB Test on September 11 in the GCHS Library. There are limited spots available. Register to take the exam by seeing Mrs. Harned. If you have any questions, please call 259-5459.

2019 Yearbooks have been delivered. Graduated seniors may pick up their copy in the office at GCHS during school hours between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Free show presented by GC Marching Cougars at 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24 at GCHS. The band will present it's new show, Next Level. A live auction follows the show and concessions will be available.

Graham Photography will take orders for senior pictures Wednesday, Aug. 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the lobby at the high school.