Red Ribbon Week KIck-off and Ribbon Cutting, this Friday, October 21 10:00 a.m. at the Grayson County Judicial Center

Caneyville 4th/5th graders participated in the KMEA 4th District Treble Chorus with 206 other students from 10 surrounding counties.

GCHS String and Chamber Orchestras in concert Sunday 10/16, 4 pm at GCMS Auditorium

GCHS Orchestra Fall Concert on Sunday, 4 pm in the GCMS auditorium. Both the String and Chamber Orchestras will be performing some exciting music!

Beautiful day for the Twin Lakes Marching Classic, 4:15pm start, 15 bands, $8 adults, $5 kids 12/under, 5/under free!

GCHS Band Leadership Team volunteered yesterday during United Way of Central KY "Give a Day for Hunger," filling bags for the GC Alliance Backpack Program. More at http://bit.ly/2dNt77d

GCHS Athletic Hall of Fame nominations due tomorrow, 10/14. Contact AD Josh Basham 270-259-4078.

Proud of our GCMS/GCHS District Honors Choirs that recently performed at Campbellsville University. Congrats to all!

TL Marching Classic this Sat. 10/15 at GCHS. 4:15pm start with15 bands. $8 adults, $5 kids 12/under, 5/under free!