Decorative - FCCLA The Ultimate Leadership Experience logo, GCHS FCCLA 5th Region S.T.A.R. Events
Outside photo - Machining teachers Michael Critchelow (left) and Josh Walters (right) flank  5 GCHS machining students (two male on either side of female) in front of Kenny Whitworth Invitational Banner between two columns
GCHS Academic Team - District Winners standing on stairs in 4 rows with award medals around their necks. (see article for names, not id'd by placement in photo))
GCHS All-State chorus members seated on leather sofas and standing behind in a brick-walled loft, all dressed  in black tops and jeans , names in article (not ID'd/known by photo placement)
L - R: Brad Cummings with Mid-Park Metals) , Gabrel Secora (GCHS student), Greg Bernard (Mid-Park), Michael Critchelow (GC Tech Center Machining teacher) with 3D printed road sign of Leitchfield/Brownsville Exit 107 replica
GC Supt. Doug Robinson, Father and sister of Allie Dotson, FCS teacher Cody Mooneyhan, GC Tech Center Director Matt Hayes behind, Allie Dotson and mother in front of a GCTC orange cloth draped table with GCS Profile of a Graduate vertical banner to right side.
Decorative - Daniel Ratley, KYA Youth Advocate 2023
Crystal Bratcher - KYSHAPE Middle School Teacher of the Year, GCMS Logo beneath text
Doug Robinson and Jerrod Graybeal standing in front of a stone wall holding a medal in a small velvet jewel type box between them
CTE students and sponsors (three women, one male in front, five males in back) in front of Hardin County Chamber of Commerce Sign - white letters on dark blue background. American and KY flags to left and white and navy flag (unidentified) to right
Matt Hayes receiving an award from Chamber president Jennifer Priddy as Brandi Lee looks on from podium in front of Chamber Dinner Sponsors step and repeat banner
GCS and Anthem reps holding $10K Ceremonial Check in front of GC Tech Center. Pictured l-r: Doug Robinson, female Anthem rep, Josh Basham, Alicia White, Lisa Skaggs, female Anthem rep, Carolyn Thomason
Profile of a GCS Grad vertical banner to left of 7 female and 2 male Tech Center students holding paper certification certificates with orange cougar paw on the middle of them
Decorative Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, Enroll your child now! FRYSC and GCSchools logos
GCHS Chamber Orchestra, Directors Adam and Stacy French witting at a table in front of windows surrounding on all sides. GC Orchestra logo image featured at top center es
Brandi Lee
Adam Spinks - Congratulations! Adam Spinks, GCHS Social Sudies
Communication board on playground with wood mulch chips as base and green sliding board to left. "Board shown as example only." WHAS Crusade for Children logo in left bottom corner
Tracie Johnston, Special Education Director. GCS logo centered below text
Decorative - Meals on the Bus logo with fruit, vegetables, mild carton, bread ,pizza images around logo